De Jambhala la mano derecha sostiene una fruta bijapuraka y la mano izquierda una mangosta. Sus pies derechos presionan hacia abajo sobre una concha y un tesoro de loto y está adornado con una guirnalda utpala y adornos de joyas.
Tamaño: El lienzo completo mide aproximadamente 56 * 46 centímetros. El área interior pintada mide unos 50 * 40 centímetros. Hecho a mano en Nepal
Hand-Painted | Cotton Canvas | Natural Mineral & Vegetable Pigments
- Crafted in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal -

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Jambhala Thangkas

Traditional. Precious. Masterpiece.
We aspire to create sublime artworks. Each painting is meticulously painted by a local artist in a process that takes many days up to many months. We use traditional methods, tools and paints to produce beautiful Buddhist art that shows our deep reverence to the Dharma.

Add A Brocade
We offer a selection of beautiful traditional silk brocades for our thangka paintings and mandalas with different patterns and colorful decors.
There are two main types of brocades styles: Indian style brocades, also known as Banarasi brocades, and Chinese style brocades.

Jambhala ཛམ་བྷ་ལ།
Learn more about Jambhala at TheStupa.com